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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wordpress Membership Websites – Creating a Regular, Profitable On-line Income

There's an old saying, "Different Strokes for Different Folks" meaning that as individuals we have different needs and expectations for most situations in life and membership websites are just the same.
This principle applies to both site owners and members alike. There are many different kinds of site; some will appeal to one group while different types will appeal to another. There really isn't a "one-size-fits-all" approach so let's discuss the various options that might prove attractive.
Social networking sites
We're all familiar with the Web 2.0 sites like YouTube and MySpace. These are social networking sites that provide tools for an interactive network of friends and include user-submitted content such as personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music and videos.
Some of these social networking sites have come under fire recently because they have been shown to be play grounds for predators. Since these problems have arisen there has been more scrutiny of members than there has been in the past. These sites are not likely to just "go away" any time soon because they are very, very popular…not to mention profitable.
Playing on exclusivity
The attraction here is paid for "exclusive" sites such as those that provide ready to use information products. Another example are golf sites which are owned by professional golfers and offer instruction that isn't readily available free on the Internet, etc.
These exclusive websites are designed for specific people and appeal to a group of like-minded individuals who are seeking instruction or information that can only be had on exclusive membership websites.
They call the Internet the "information super highway" but these exclusive sites really do make the information super and the information that is provided is far superior to just the regular stuff that everybody gets for free. This, for many, is an attractive option and for you, a very profitable option to consider.
Are we going for volume?
Just to show that not all are paid-for sites; a different kind of approach is to offer access that is free.
The objective of a free site is to acquire the names and email addresses of people who are interested in a specific topic in order to build an opt-in list. This IS still a membership website and unless the visitor joins the site they do not have access to the excellent information that's available.
Community sites and getting together.
Yet another kind of "managed content" site is what is referred to as a community site; sometimes these are free and sometimes they have paid for content.
The idea behind a community website is that there are a group of people who are all interested in the same basic topic but who go about accomplishing success in various ways. They get together at a community website and exchange information and ideas. Sometimes the worth of this information makes the cost of the fees seem absolutely ridiculously low by comparison.
What do they all have in common?
Membership websites of all kinds have one thing in common, they allow interaction between members. The old Web 1.0 where information was a one-way street is gone. In this brave new world, communication flows in both directions. You'll notice that on all of the various types there is a blog or a forum that provides a place for members to communicate, not only with the owner of the site but also with other members.
The communication opportunities allowed by these sites is one of the biggest reasons why they're so very popular today. It's also why they'll probably be popular for a long, long time to come. People want to hear other people's opinion and suggestions but they also want to be heard themselves. They really want to learn but they have information to share with others as well. Within these "communities" we all create a place for this sharing of ideas and information.
There are many, many different kinds of "communities" and different people will like different ones for all sorts of reasons. If you're considering starting your own, the good news is that there will be people who will like it and want to be members.
The truth is that membership websites are popular and profitable. Recurring income is a very, very good thing!